Ulster logins

Retrieving your innitial Ulster password

If you have not changed your password, you can retrieve your innitial (original) Ulster password via Ulster Banner:

You should be able to see your innitial Ulster password there.

For more information, inclusing a helpful video guiding through this process check the Ulster page for Banner.

Reseting your password using SSRP system

If you have forgotten your Ulster password and have not registered for SSRP (Self Service Password Reset), you will need to follow these steps:

Minimum password requirement when creating Ulster passwords are:

At least 12 characters long and must contain at least three from:

• Uppercase alphabetic (A – Z);

• Lowercase alphabetic (a – z);

• Digit (0 – 9);

• Special Character (i.e. “£$%^&*:~@>?)

Allow at least 30 minutes for the password to reset.

For more information try following Ulster Guide on reseting your SSRP and password, as well other helpful pages: