International Logistics 

Full reading list (printed books and ebooks): QAHE Library Catalogue

Core textbooks

Mangan, J., Lalwanis, C. and Calatayud, A. (2021) Global logistics and supply chain management. 4th edn. Chichester: Wiley. 

Manners-Bell, J. (2016) Global logistics strategies: delivering the goods. 2nd edn. London: KoganPage. 

Havenga, J. et al. (2020) From logistics strategy to macrologistics: imperatives for a developing world. London: KoganPage. 

Recommended titles

Grant, D.B., Trautrims, A. and Wong, C.Y. (2022) Sustainable logistics and supply chain management: principles and practices for sustainable operations and management. 3rd edn. London: KoganPage.