Business Databases

Market research

There is no single tool to effectively search for statistics, market research and data, news reports, and other types of reports. Generic search engines like Google can do a decent job. The university purchases access to the premium-grade resources used by businesses too.

Industry reports, e.g. Supermarkets in the UK.

Advertising and marketing information, case studies, and research reports.

Market research reports on consumer trends, market sizes, and company analysis. Guide

Company and country profiles, industry reports, news artiles.

International statistics, market reports, and company and country profiles.

News and journal articles, international coverage; mostly business-related.

Market research and stats in charts and infographics. 

Financial data for most public and private limited UK companies. Guide

An important business newspaper offering international coverage. Contact a member of the Business Library Team for login. 

See also the UU Library guide to statistics

Scholarly publications 

Academic (or scholarly) articles are typically published in peer-reviewed (or academic, scholarly) journals.

This specialist search engine searches across a vast number of scholarly publications. Guide

Similar to Google Scholar, USearch searches many databases simultaneously.

Particularly good for such topics as strategy and HRM.

Access to thousands of academic and professional business journals as well as a large collection of full-text market reports, economic working papers and case studies.